Maria Teresa Guasti

maria_teresa_guasti_885x432pxMaria Teresa Guasti studies language acquisition in different population of children. In addition to monolingual and bilingual children, she also studies language acquisition in children with cochlear implant, children with specific language impairment and children with dislexia.

She has partecipated in various European (EDUGATE, LACA, Trilinguismo nella scuola dell’infanzia) and Italian projects and she is nowadays in the MultiMind project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017) and the ERC-Synergy Leibnizdream with Artemis Alexiadou and Uli Sauerland.

She is the vicepresident of the Marica De Vincenzi Onlus Foundation, invited professor at the international center for the child health, foreign expert at the school for special education, Haidan, Beijing and referent for the English linguistic education at the kindergarten Bambini Bicocca.

She is author of several articles on international journals and three recent books: The acquisition of Italian: Different modes. Benjiamin with Adriana Belletti (2015), Language acquisition. The Growth of grammar. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (2017) second edition and Imparare la lingua giocando con frasi e parole. (with Silvia Silleresi and Mirta Vernice) published by Raffaello Cortina.


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