Beatrice Giustolisi


Beatrice Giustolisi is an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Milan-Bicocca, where she works on bimodal and unimodal bilingualism.

After studying Linguistics at the University of Padua and Cognitive Science at the University of Trento, in February 2018 she obtained her PhD in ‘Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience’ under the supervision of Prof. Carlo Cecchetto and Prof. Maria Teresa Guasti with a thesis entitled ‘Processing and learning of sequential patterns in deaf and hearing individuals: differences and similarities’.

Prior to her contract as a assistant professor, she worked for two years as a research fellow for the Horizon 2020 European project SIGN-HUB.

Currently, she is PI of the PRIN 2022 project CROSS-linguistic interference in the assignment of meaning during sentence comprehension in bilingual speakers: investigating semantic and syntactic processing and the case of code-switching (CROSSING), co-leader of WG1 (Identification of linguistic phenomena key to youth justice) of the European COST project Y-JustLang (CA22139) and director of the Bilingualism Matters @ Milano-Bicocca branch.


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