Camilla Masullo


Camilla Masullo is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca within the project “CROSS-linguistic interference in the assignment of meaning during sentence comprehension in bilINGual speakers: investigating semantic and syntactic processing and the case of code-switching” (CROSSING), under the supervision of Beatrice Giustolisi.

She got her PhD in Cognitive Science and Language under the supervision of Prof. Evelina Leivada and Prof. Isabel Oltra-Massuet at Rovira i Virgili University. Her PhD project focused on the interaction between the cognitive adaptations and the sociolinguistic factors that characterize the bilingual experience. Specifically, she inquired into the processing of grammatical illusions in bilingual populations of standard and non-standard languages, gathering data from different Italian bidialectal communities. Concurrently, she studied the impact of linguistic register variation on morphosyntactic processing, examining the interaction between distinct linguistic domains. Before the PhD, she got an MA in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Pavia.

Upcoming Events

February 3, 2025
February 10, 2025
  • BIL Seminar "What does atypicality really mean? Language acquisition in autism" - Mikhail Kissine February 10, 2025 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm U6, Sala Lauree, Terzo piano

    "Research on language in autism mostly explores delayed acquisition or atypical use, the reference point being language in non-autistic individuals. Such approaches focus on language disability, but somewhat downplay the acquisition routes that may be specific to autism. More specifically, typical language development is known to be intimately linked to socio-pragmatic, joint communicative experiences. Early-onset and life-long atypicality in the socio-communicative domain are core characteristics of autism, and likely explain why language onset is often significantly delayed in autistic children. However, it is also usually assumed that language trajectories in autism should be correlated with an increase of socio-communicative skills, such as joint attention. In this talk, I will review evidence that some autistic individuals may, in fact, acquire language in spite of persisting strong socio-communicative disabilities. I will also present new results that show that some autistic children are interested in language in and of itself, independently of its communicative function, and display enhanced sensitivity to the acoustic and structural properties of the linguistic input."

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