
Bosch, J. E. & Foppolo, F. (2024). Fostering multilingualism to support children’s school success. In J. Franck, F. Faloppa & T. Marinis (Eds), Myths and facts about multilingualism. CALEC.

Foppolo, F. (2024). Manuale di Psicolinguistica. UTET.

Bosch, J. E. & Foppolo, F. (2023). Predictive processing of number in bilingual children. In P. Gappmayr & J. Kellogg (Eds), BUCLD 47: Proceedings of the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. I, pp. 55 68) Cascadilla Press.

Foppolo, F. (2023). Psicolinguistica. In G. F. Arcodia & A. Panunzi (Linguistica. Introduzione alle scienze del linguaggio. Ch. Pearson. ISBN: 8891911372

Guasti, M. T., Carioti, D., Costa, F., Silleresi S. (2023). Multilinguismo. Contesti educativi e contesti clinici. Roma: Carrocci.

Foppolo, F. (2022). Implicature scalari. In F. Domaneschi, V. Bambini (Eds), Pragmatica Sperimentale (pp. 105 117). Il Mulino.

Giustolisi, B. (2022). Psicolinguistica delle lingue dei segni. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

The following chapters and sections co-authored by Carlo Cecchetto have been published in: Branchini, Chiara and Lara Mantovan (eds.). 2020. A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS). 1st ed. (SIGN-HUB Sign Language Grammar Series). ISBN (EBOOK).
Syntax Part, Section 1.1 Sentence types: declaratives
Syntax Part, Section 1.2 Sentence types: interrogatives
Syntax Part, Section 1.3 Sentence types: imperatives
Syntax Part, Section 2.5 Clause structure: clausal ellipsis
Syntax Part, Section 3.3 Argument clauses
Syntax Part, Section 3.5.5 Coordination and subordination. Adverbial clauses: Reason clauses
Syntax Part, Section 3.5.6 Coordination and subordination. Adverbial clauses: Purpose clauses
Syntax Part, Section Coordination and subordination. Adverbial clauses: Internal structure of concessive clauses
Syntax Part, Section Coordination and subordination. Adverbial clauses: Manual signs marking subordination in concessive clauses
Syntax Part, Section Coordination and subordination. Adverbial clauses: Non-manual markers in concessive clauses
Pragmatics Part, Chapter 3. Speech acts
Pragmatics Part, Chapter 6. Reporting and role shift

Tettamanti, M. (2020). Il cervello sintattico. Carocci. ISBN: 978-88-430-9652-7.

Trovato, S., Folchi, A., Baj, C., Santoro, M., Anselmo, G. (2020). Insegnare e imparare la LIS. Attività e materiali per il docente, lo studente e l’autoapprendimento. Erickson: Trento.

Guasti, M. T., Silleresi, S., & Vernice, M. (2019). Imparare la lingua giocando con frasi e parole. Milano: Raffaello Cortina

Garrafa, M., Guasti, M. T., Marinis, T, Morgan G. (2018). Language Acquisition in Diverse Linguistic, Social and Cognitive Circumstances. Frontiers in Psychology. E-book. Vol. II

Guasti, M. T. (2017). Language acquisition. The Growth of grammar. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press. II Edition.

Mantovan L. (2017). Nominal modification in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Arcodia, G.F., & Basciano, B. (2016). Linguistica cinese. Bologna: Pàtron.

Belletti, A., & Guasti, M. T. (2015). The acquisition of Italian: Different modes. Amsterdam: Benjiamin.

Cecchetto, C., & Donati, C. (2015). (Re)labeling. Cambridge: MA, MIT Press.


Prossimi Appuntamenti

settembre 17, 2024
  • BIL Seminar: Margreet Vogelzang settembre 17, 2024 @ 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Aula 3143 U6 Bicocca

    Introducing the concept of (bilingual) reference profiles: A cluster-analysis approach

    Empirical studies on bilingual children’s reference production have often focussed on comparisons with monolingual peers. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of “reference profiles”: Speakers may exhibit similar or different behaviours in reference production, independently of whether they belong to a specific group (e.g., monolinguals or bilinguals) or whether their production adheres to some norm.
    As an empirical example, I will present data from thirty-seven Greek-Italian bilingual children (Mage = 9;4, range 7;10-11;6) who performed narrative retelling tasks in both of their languages, as well as vocabulary tasks and various cognitive tasks. The data show that the children had a good mastery of reference (i.e. appropriately using null pronouns, full pronouns, or full nouns) in both of their languages. Using cluster analyses, two distinct reference profiles were identified. Further investigation showed that these profiles differed in both their sustained attention and in the use of overspecified REs in contexts where reference to the same referent was maintained. These results are interpreted in light of current cognitive theories of (bilingual) reference processing and emphasise the potential of (reference) profiles for the study of other domains beyond bilingual reference production.

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